All the features You need for Service Business

All The Features You Need for Your Service Business

Packed with cutting-edge technology and engineered with blazing-fast efficiency, FieldCamp delivers the features that your field service business needs. From the moment you install the app, FieldCamp begins optimizing your business. What’s more, it does without any extra effort on your part.

FieldCamp begins organizing contacts, adding clients, and ensuring that your business is purring smoothly. FieldCamp’s features are organized according to the following field service business needs:

FieldCamp Features for Your Field Service Business

Streamline Your Daily Operations

Streamline Your Daily Operations

FieldCamp is designed to deliver results from day one. Download the app, fill out some information, and you’re off to the races. Check out these features.

  • Easy to Get Started

    Quickly login using your Google credentials. Quick, secure, and painless. Plus, you don’t have to add yet another password and username to your life. We weren’t kidding when we thought of simplicity in every facet of the app.

  • Ultra Secure

    Our software uses state-of-the-art encryption, so your business intel is completely safe. Plus, you can set a unique PIN to quickly access your account without having to log in again. Security shouldn’t be painful. But neither should security be overlooked.

  • Entirely Customizable

    Sure, we made the app, but this is your business. The app is simply a framework. The rest is yours — logo, customers, billing, etc. Your customers are going to see your business on any customer-facing information, and don’t need to know that FieldCamp is your secret sauce.

Quick and Efficient Job Management

Field service businesses rise or fall based on managing all the various jobs. This is where FieldCamp shines. Check out these high-octane job management features.

  • Powerful Scheduling and Dispatching

    Easily assign jobs to you or your field staff. All job details — client, location, description, line items, taxes — are automatically passed to that person, regardless of the device or operating system the technician is using (Android or iOS).

  • Schedule Optimization

    FieldCamp can create both recurring jobs and non-recurring jobs depending on the specific needs of your business. For example, if you have a regular lawn care customer with bi-weekly lawn service, FieldCamp creates a recurring job assignment. Otherwise, specific jobs can be created according to when they’re needed and scheduled.

  • Ultra-Accurate and Automatic Job Time Tracking

    You and your field service technicians have the ability to clock in and out on the jobs assigned to you. Every time one of you clocks in, you automatically update the job status, which can be “On my way”, “In progress” or “Complete”.

  • Comprehensive Job Details

    You have all your job details in one place — client, job location(s), job description, tasks, and notes In the notes section, your field service technician can add notes and photos from the job, providing you with critical and, instant feedback.

Quick and Efficient Job Management
Job Completion and Payment

Job Completion and Payment

When the job is complete, you want to get paid. Fast. Make it easy for the customer to pay, and make it easy for you to accept the payment, and make it all automatic and secure. Watch these features bring more money into your business account.

  • Rapid Invoicing

    Send an invoice from the field with just a single click. FieldCamp allows your field techs and office dispatchers to easily create and send invoices to clients. Invoices are instant, accurate, and followup is totally automated. Ah.One less thing to worry about.

  • Invoice Tracking and Reminders

    Get a quick overview of your invoices by status and date, allowing you to see if invoices were sent and when they are due. Also, field staff and team members can send invoice reminders to clients. The app will automatically send email to clients to pay invoices when they are due.

  • Accept Online Payments

    With FieldCamp Payments, snap a photo to securely capture checks and credit cards in the field, or send customers a link to a personalized online payment portal.

Ready to try Field Service Software
Go with Fieldcamp or Waste 100’s of $$$ on Software with Features that You Don’t Even use

Manage Your Clients

One of the best things about FieldCamp is not just that it optimizes internal business operations. It also impresses clients. Client care is what separates a mediocre business from a truly standout business. Get FieldCamp and give your clients the top-tier service that they deserve.

  • Detailed Client Information

    From now on you get all your client details from one place! Name, mobile number, email address, notes and multiple locations are all there! You can even call or email your client directly from the app.

  • Manage Site Addresses

    Using FieldCamp, you can easily manage property and site addresses for clients. This helps to speed up job creation, and of course it makes it easier for field techs to get to where they need to go.

  • Import From Contacts

    FieldCamp integrates with your phone’s contact list, so you can import your clients directly from existing contacts. Next time you add a job for a new client, all you have to do is to type the name and the app automatically imports all available contact info!

Manage Your Clients
Real-time Field Staff Status and Tracking

Real-time field staff status and tracking

Running a successful field management business requires tracking your field service reps and knowing what’s going on at any given moment in the workday. Gaining oversight of this information is one of Fieldcamp’s core functionalities.

  • Field Staff Status

    Get every field technician’s status instantly. You’ll know what each field tech is doing at any time of day or night — as long as they’re working. Depending on your technician’s activity in the app, you can view four statuses

    • 1. On the way
    • 2. At job
    • 3. Not working
    • 4. Didn’t clock in
  • Staff Profile

    See all the technician’s details in one place! You can call or text your field technicians directly from the app, see current location, schedule, and when the last time they used the app.

  • Assigned Jobs

    For every field technician, you can see his or her current and future jobs, along with job details and job status.

  • Manage Multiple Office Locations

    FieldCamp doesn’t just grow your business. It grows with your business. As you expand locations, FieldCamp tracks business operations for each one. To ensure you start off right and stay on top of the challenges of running multiple locations, we allow you to manage jobs, staff, customers, invoices, reports for each location.

Detailed and Comprehensive Business Reports

Running a successful business means looking at the numbers. FieldCamp makes it easy for you to do so. The app is packed with beautiful and customizable business reports that allow you to get the most important information at a glance. What’s measured gets managed, and using FieldCamp’s reporting suite, you’ll be able to measure and manage easily and successfully.

  • Activity Reports

    With FieldCamp you know how much time you or your field technicians spent working, how much time they spent commuting, and how much time was unbillable due to non-working hours. Manage your business with facts, not just feelings!

  • Revenue Reports

    Who is your best performer? Who needs fewer jobs? Who wants more hours? Who on the team might not be pulling their weight? Cut out the guessing game and run accurate reports to answer these questions. With FieldCamp you don’t just know how much the team did last week, or last month, but also the individual contribution of every one of your field technicians! Reports like this make you a better manager.

  • Custom Report Duration

    Customize your reports and identify who or what drove that productivity spike in your company. You can set a custom duration for both Activity and Revenue reports. Since many field service businesses have seasonality and peak seasons, reports like this help you better navigate the slow times and better manage the busy times.

Detailed and Comprehensive Business reports
With FSM Software, Less is More

With Field Service Management Software, Less Is More

  • When we set out to create FieldCamp, we realized that in many cases, less is more.
  • Too many features can get in the way of the whole goal — to streamline your business.
  • As feature-packed as FieldCamp is, it’s not going to overwhelm you with extraneous features you’ll never use and don’t need.

Don’t take our word for it. Try FieldCamp for Free.
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