15 Best Handyman Advertising Ideas to Bring New Customers in 2024

The top 10% of the highest-paid handyman services across the United States earn up to $65,000 or even more. And such high earnings are possible only when you know the impactful handyman advertising techniques to get more exposure for your business. 

With a good amount of exposure among the target audience, your handyman business will often get more high-paying clients, eventually increasing your overall revenue. 

The demand for home remodeling and other odd jobs in the house has been increasing since 2020. As per a report by Houzz, a home remodeling firm produced a report in 2020 which stated a 58% yearly increase in the count of project leads for all home professionals. 

A handyman business also offers many minor or major home renovation services. Therefore, this rise in demand over the past two years has helped entrepreneurs get into this business trade. 

But the most important thing for local businesses is to learn how to advertise their services and products to get a good response from the target audience amidst all the competition. 

15 Advertising Ideas to Market Your Handyman Business

If you have been in a handyman business for a long time now, then you truly believe that your quality of work speaks for your brand. The clients will spread positive word of mouth for your brand, and you will have a good flow of service requests over time. 

But depending on just word of mouth will grow your business on a slow track. You need more advertising strategies to promote your handyman services to potential clients. As a result, it might help your local business to grow at a fast track rate and reach out to customers outside your city and state as well. 

So, here are the 15 advertising or marketing strategies for your handyman business to stand out in the crowd with high earning potential:

1. Postcard ads

There is no better alternative to market your local business than traditional advertising measures. Postcard ads is one of the oldest yet most effective techniques to promote local businesses. 

Postcards can add a personal touch to advertisements and can be easily made today with computer software. If you are not confident about creating the postcard designs yourself, you can outsource the job to some local print shop. 

Once you decide on the design, you need to plan the marketing campaign and its time window. You can send postcards to existing clients, telling them about new offers on specific handyman services. Apart from that, you can also connect with potential leads by delivering postcards door-to-door in your locality. 

2. Flyers and posters

The next option in traditional advertising is the use of flyers and posters. You can use a poster maker to design them and distribute them at annual fairs, local events, or on a busy street in your city. You can distribute them at annual fairs, local events, or on a busy street in your city. 

If you are new to the handyman business, this strategy will work well for you to make people know about your brand or local business. 

3. Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the digital marketing technique that has revolutionized the way businesses advertise. It helps you build an online presence. 

SEO can be embedded in your website to make it rank higher on the Google search results page. Every time someone looks for handyman services, they should find your business website on the top results. And that will draw attention to more traffic and potential leads to your business website. 

SEO can be implemented by using quality content, proper keyword analysis, and page speed optimization and adding backlinks. You can hire an expert to do the needful for you, and you will soon have many valuable leads to easily convert into paying customers. 

4. Social media ads

The Internet has the power to give you impeccable recognition and a lot of business opportunities. The only thing you must know is to use it well for your benefit. 

Social media ads can be a powerful advertising medium for you. Plan out your social media marketing campaigns, and you will be good to go. 

You will have a big audience to connect with. You just don’t have to post your marketing ads over social media channels. Instead, you can post your work pictures, share appreciation posts for the certified handyman professionals who work with you, share videos from the job site, and promote your select services. 

You need to learn about how people interact with a local business over different social media platforms. For instance, Facebook gives the liberty of writing catchy texts and captions to get the attention of the target audience, whereas Instagram is more leaned toward photos and videos.

You must plan your social media ads according to the platform you choose. So, the ads will be different for all the platforms. 

Social media also allows customers to interact with your business on a one-to-one basis. Most people lack time to call and inquire about handyman services. Therefore, they prefer messaging you over social media channels and getting the necessary details.  

5. A referral program

A referral program is a marketing strategy directly linked with word-of-mouth marketing. Start a campaign where you raise an offer for the existing customers to get a service discount coupon on referring your services to a new customer through word of mouth. 

Make sure to mention that they will be applicable for getting a coupon only if the referral converts into a business customer. 

6. Create promotional videos

Videos have a great impact on business audiences. As per HubSpot, around 86% of companies use videos to market and promote their services or products

Show your work process in the videos or promote some special safety measures that you take while conducting the services. 

It is your creativity to decide on what content you want in your video. You can hire a team to do that for you as well. You can consider posting those videos over social media channels or adding them to your website where people can see them. 

7. Email marketing 

Digital advertising efforts are incomplete without proper email marketing campaigns. It is an impactful technique for you to reach out to potential leads who have already shown interest in your brand and services. 

As a small business owner, you must cherish every customer data you get. And for that, you can start a newsletter subscription over your website and request visitors to subscribe for the same. You can propose a welcome discount to those who subscribe to your newsletter services. 

Now that you have their email ids and consent to send newsletters and emails, you can commence with your email marketing campaign. Build a list of the collected customer data and send promotional and informative emails to them. The click rate is high for the emails, and it can give you a lot of paying customers in a short span of time. 

8. Launch a business application

In 2022, if you want your business to be in the palm of your customers, then a mobile application is the best way to make it possible. 

Today, a large chunk of people browse the Internet through mobile phones. They prefer to explore business services through a mobile application over checking their website. It is because a responsive application seems easier to navigate. 

Develop a handyman business application for both Android and iOS devices. It can be your ultimate handyman marketing approach to build a good rapport of your brand with customers. 

9. Create business cards

Printing and handing over business cards have been a very professional way of marketing a business to prospective customers. Small business owners should always carry their business cards with them when they are out meeting people or socializing. 

 You might come across people who will talk about their home renovation, cleaning, plumbing, or carpentry service needs. When they do, hand them over your business cards and tell them about your business. Request them for a call, and you can discuss the service request further. 

10. TV advertising campaign

Besides digital marketing, social media, and offline marketing techniques, TV advertisement is also a crucial strategy for handyman businesses. 

TV advertisement refers to broadcasting messages to target TV viewers. Your business can use TV commercials to promote specific services or deliver brand messages to market your business. 

The top businesses have been using TV advertising campaigns for ages to reach out to their potential customers. 

11. Request customer testimonials

Request your customers to give you service feedback.. Good reviews or feedback can be accountable as testimonials and posted on the homepage of your website to add credibility to your brand name.

Upon completion of the handyman service, you can request your customer to leave an online review over your Google listing. When people search for handyman services and land on your business page or listing, they will check the reviews of previous customers before deciding. 

12. Add your Google My Business listing

List your business over Google My Business to impose local SEO for your brand. It will help your business be found more in the local searches. 

You need to add all precise details of your business, such as name, address, working hours, contact details, website link, service brief, and a description. 

13. Business story email

You can promote your business story through email and send it to your potential customers. In this story, you should narrate how you started your business and express what you learned from the struggles. 

Tell your customers about how you are planning to grow with your small business. It will build a connection between customers and your handyman business. 

14. Billboard advertisements

You can contact private billboard advertising companies and post your ads over the advertising structures in high traffic areas and busy roads. 

Such billboard ads will easily reach out to drivers and pedestrians. People will know about your brand, and prospective customers will reciprocate to get in touch with your team. 

As per a survey, around 71% of all Americans take a glance at billboard advertisements consciously while they are driving their cars or bikes. 

15. A scheduling software

A scheduling software can assist you in your indirect handyman marketing. Such digital tools do not impose direct marketing efforts but help you streamline business operations. 

When your business uses modern methods of operation, then you will save a lot of time and effort on your major tasks. Customers requesting a handyman service will be getting an immediate response to their service requests. 

In this way, customers will find your business more evolved with technology which will create a good repo. Apart from that, you will have enough time to work on your other advertising options. 


The ads will be displayed to most customers following you on your social media accounts or showing interest in similar services. If someone is looking to hire a handyman for some specific job, they will have your details to connect with you.
You need to plan how your social media campaigns will be executed in terms of different ads and posting dates.
A handyman ad should have a target keyword to make it more visible to prospective clients. In the next line, you should add the promotional offer, website pages, URLs, and other information.
In the last line, you will add the contact details and email id for the customers to reach out to you.

FieldCamp Brings You the Era of Digitizing the Business Operations

FieldCamp is one of the most proficient scheduling software that will help you digitize around 90% of your business tasks. 

A handyman firm involves working with a lot of staff members and clients. Therefore, with such modern tools it will be easy to organize work for every single member of your team. 

You can schedule your services for clients, assign and track employees, prepare invoices, process payments, store customer data, and much more. 

Our software is accessible from anywhere and at any time. You can track the service progress from the comfort of your home or your holiday destination. 

You need to try it to learn more about it. So, take our of FieldCamp and test the features yourself. Connect with us today, and we will guide you through the process. 

Author Bio

Gaurang Bhatt

Gaurang Bhatt is a techie in himself with an ability to solve problems technically and present solutions in the form of a product. He is one of the pioneers to curate FieldCamp with his 15+ years of knowledge and expertise in providing solutions to home service industries. Gaurang aims to overcome challenges faced by service business owners through software solutions and blogs.


