15 Customer Experience Best Practices & Tips

Nowadays, customer experience is everything for businesses. There is tremendous pressure on enterprises to improve customer experience since it is becoming one of the top differentiators that distinguish a brand from its competitors.

For this reason, the primary focus should be on improving the customer experience for your brand to set itself apart. 

As per Forbes, “Customer experience has become the benchmark for a company’s success today.” It has become the new norm for a company’s success in the market. Putting your customers at the top of your priority list is the crucial thing every business should strive for.

A delightful customer experience will make your business stand out from your competitors.

To help you in the journey to satisfy customer expectations, we have covered customer experience best practices to retain customers and grow your business.

What is a Customer Experience Strategy? 

The customer experience strategy describes the interactions your clients have with your business—from the first contact to growing into loyal customers.

The customer experience (CX) is essential to customer relationship management (CRM). It is important because a client with a positive experience will turn into a returning customer and a partner. 

74% of senior leaders admit that customer experience strategy influences a customer’s willingness to be a dedicated promoter, according to a worldwide CX review by Oracle.

Factors of Customer Experience Strategy

1. Analyzing your customer service strategy

The first factor you should consider is discerning what your organization undertakes to meet your customers’ expectations. This evaluates what’s working and what can be improved in your business.

2. Creating a customer journey map

A customer journey map is another crucial component of your customer experience strategy. Customers’ journey maps outline their interactions with your business and any pain points they encounter. This resource helps you identify friction in your customer experience. It also shows you how to overcome it and replace it with delight.

3. Understanding your customers’ expectations

Understanding your customers' expectations - customer experience best practices

The expectation of being reliable and positive is fundamental for a customer. Whenever a customer contacts your business, they aspire to get an exceptional customer experience. So always understand your customer expectations thoroughly.

Customer needs differ on a case-by-case basis. The speedy response may be crucial in some cases, but quality and clarity are more crucial in others. Your team’s ability to identify and adapt to customer needs depends on how the customer feels when they reach out to you.

4. Track team performance 

The essential factor to be considered for determining the customer strategy is tracking the team’s performance. 

Successful businesses routinely check the performance of their teams and always strive to add value to their customers’ experiences are the most prosperous. 

In these businesses, every customer interaction must be positive, and staff members are held to exceptionally high standards.

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15 Best Practices to Deliver  Phenomenal Customer Experience 

When customers interact with your business via your website, a referral, or an advertisement, their customer experience (CX) journey begins. A company must take all available measures to provide a delightful customer service experience. 

Listed below are customer experience best practices that every business should implement to achieve optimum results.

1. Enhance the customer experience by implementing an omnichannel strategy

A well-executed omnichannel marketing strategy is one of the most important things businesses can do to gain crucial insights into the behavior of their customers across the entire life cycle. 

Sales, customer service, and marketing channels are all included in the strategy, and consumers expect seamless communication across multiple channels in nine out of ten cases. 

Each time your existing customers interact with your business, they expect the same proactive customer service experience. A seamless journey across all channels is key to providing a consistent omnichannel customer experience.

2. Service that’s second to none

Good customer service is about putting the customer first – not the company. Enhance your client’s experience by evaluating their interaction with your company. 

In customer-centric companies, profits are 60% higher than those without a customer-focused approach.

Customer satisfaction increases with good customer service. Happy customers with your product or service spread the word about you positively. Real-time support is a great way to engage your customers. 

Holding interactive and enjoyable conversations is possible with digital customer engagement tools.

3. Embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Increasingly, artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to improve customer service. In addition to enhancing customer service strategies, chatbots can help businesses grow faster. 

Businesses can save up to 30% by using chatbots that speed up response times and answer up to 80% of FAQs”. A bot can answer customer questions in real time, and customers won’t have to wait in long lines to get help.

4. Enhance the customer experience by training your customer-facing teams

Your customer service teams make first impressions. Brands and businesses rely on them for lasting first impressions.

Defining standards for customer interactions and processes to assist your teams in maintaining the levels is essential for businesses. But what is it supposed to include? 

The sales, marketing, and customer support team can provide flawless customer service through regular training programs. Compared to underperformers, 88% of high-performing firms invest significant resources in agent training.

5. Improve the customer experience by creating self-service options

It is undeniable that dedicated customer support is essential. You can only go so far in responding to your customer’s needs. A solution? Make them proactive by providing them with the tools they need.

The customer needs to be able to answer their questions. Approximately 70% of customers expect companies to offer self-service options like walkthrough videos, case studies, and even support content on their websites.

The benefits of self-service outweigh the shortcomings of traditional customer support, thereby enhancing the customer experience.

6. Enhance the client experience by implementing customer feedback

Every business strives to satisfy its customers. However, how do you know their efforts are yielding desired results? 

By understanding how your customers view your brand, you will be able to provide them with a better service. To improve customer experience, you must collect customer feedback regularly.

Communicating effectively with your customers is key to gathering valuable customer feedback. Just after any conversation with a customer, you can ask for feedback using live chat, in-app messaging, or chatbots. Using it helps to understand customer satisfaction scores and experience.

7. Be clear with your brand messaging

It is essential to check your brand message to improve the customer experience. The value proposition underlying your brand messaging and the language you use in your copy form the foundation of your communication. 

It is possible for visitors to get confused if your messaging is unclear, and they might decline. Therefore, knowing your target audience and tailoring your message accordingly is essential.

8. Consider social proof when improving customer service

The concept of social proof is a method of convincing customers that others have appreciated your products or services, so they feel more comfortable making a purchase decision. A customer review, testimonial, star rating, success story, case study, celebrity endorsement, or other social proof can be used.

A worldwide norm is for customers to leave reviews and testimonials. Customers trust your honest opinions much more than your marketing content. It is estimated that 85% of people trust online reviews more than recommendations from friends and family. 

9. Maintain a relationship with your customers throughout their lifecycle

Maintain a relationship with your customers - customer experience best practices

To maximize sales and improve customer experience, engaging customers across their entire lifecycle is crucial. Get a visual representation of the customer lifecycle.

10. Encourage your team to go the extra mile

It is an outstanding customer experience that encourages customers to return and spread the word about the company to others. Giving your employees the authority and resources to deliver excellent service is one way to ensure your customers are delighted.

Problems with customers make it even more critical. By giving your employees a sense of empowerment, you can avoid negative customer experiences.

11. Develop loyalty programs for customers

Develop loyalty programs - customer experience best practices

Providing excellent customer service will guarantee you a lifelong customer base. Customer loyalty also increases referrals, which is why lifelong customers are valuable. 

You can improve customer satisfaction by implementing good customer loyalty Software for your business. 

A good customer loyalty program begins with identifying your regular customers by analyzing their annual purchases, what they purchase, and the frequency of purchases. You can prepare loyalty programs by assessing customer satisfaction through surveys, interviews, and monitoring customer feedback.

Businesses have begun integrating social and behavioral elements into loyalty programs to enhance the customer experience, such as referral rewards and points for user-generated content.

12. Create a customer-centric culture

Customer-centricity involves developing a focus on providing a positive customer experience. Improving the customer experience is a surefire way to increase repeat business and loyalty from existing customers. 

Studies by Deloitte and Touche indicate that companies that prioritize their customers are 60% more profitable.

13. Make your customers an integral part of your business

Customers who are satisfied with a business are the ones who make it successful. Being involved in your community or social events is essential to building a solid customer relationship.

Including your customers as a part of your team and recognizing their contribution to your success makes them feel valued and honored. These are big things for them.

We have listed a few ways to thank them for contributing to your growth.

  • Offer loyalty rewards to your customers 
  • Allowing them early access 
  • Customers with high spending levels can receive discounts. 

14. Enhance the customer experience

Enhancing customer experiences requires considering the entire customer journey. Unlike touchpoints, McKinsey’s research indicates that customer journeys significantly impact business outcomes.

It means mapping the entire customer journey to understand how consumers feel end-to-end after defining the customer journey. In this way, we can identify areas for improvement or gaps at each point of contact. To fully optimize the customer journey, businesses can use the best digital experience platforms to ensure consistency and satisfaction at every touchpoint.

15. Analyze customer data 

Analyze customer data 

It has been shown that 90% of business managers believe that analytics can contribute to an increase in sales, based on research.

It is not easy to provide a great customer experience to your clients, and it is even harder to tie it to measurable business outcomes. You need to first understand the customer experience from the standpoint of how the customer interacts with your brand across multiple channels and, over time, quantify that experience.

Behavioral-driven engagement requires customer analytics to deliver a unified view of the customer and personalized experiences.

Companies can easily collect customer feedback in the age of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data. With analytics, you can measure metrics related to behavioral patterns, demographics, and other aspects of customer experience in real time.

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Customer satisfaction is one of the keys to business growth. These three pillars underpin positive customer experiences.

  • Make the journey operational 
  • Putting the customer first 
  • Getting to Know Your Customers

A customer’s experience (called CX) refers to the interaction and experiences your business has with them throughout their journey with your company.

Customer Experience (CX) is integral to Customer Relationship Management (CRM). This is because customers who have a positive experience with an enterprise are more likely to do business with them again and again.

The increasing customer experience (CX) can significantly affect your profitability. 

You can improve your customer experience by following these tips:

  1. Make your employees feel empowered
  2. Encourage employee ideas
  3. Transform customer experiences with tech
  4. Bring omnichannel thinking to your business


Customer experience is a crucial driver of topline performance and provides excellent opportunities. A good CX strategy is not only helpful in improving the customer experience but is also beneficial for making your organization customer-centric in the long run. 

Thus, whether you are running a small or large business, focusing on what you can do to improve the customer’s experience can have a  high impact in the long run.

Author Bio

Gaurang Bhatt

Gaurang Bhatt is a techie in himself with an ability to solve problems technically and present solutions in the form of a product. He is one of the pioneers to curate FieldCamp with his 15+ years of knowledge and expertise in providing solutions to home service industries. Gaurang aims to overcome challenges faced by service business owners through software solutions and blogs.
