Plumbing Ads to Attract Customers

The two big giants of the digital world, Google and Facebook, hold the largest share of US digital ad revenue. Google holds 28.6% of the market share, whereas Facebook holds 23.8% of the market share

Hence, new and established companies look up to Google and Facebook to get exposure for their services and grow with more business opportunities. p

Similarly, even a plumbing company, or a plumber can also use ads to target locals for their services, and hence grow their business. 

You can scale your plumbing company across your state and country, but you need proper business modeling and marketing to execute the same. 

With local services ads and other advertising initiatives, you can target a reachable audience to get a good flow of job requests. And that is what will help your plumbing business boom in the coming times. 

But what is a plumbing advertisement? Why is it important? And how can they be imposed on your plumbing business? Let’s find all the answers. 

What is a Plumbing Advertisement?

Plumbing advertisements can be of several types to draw the attention of your clients to the sales channels or your service consultants. 

Earlier, a plumbing business used to grow with referrals and positive word-of-mouth. But over time, things have changed, and there is a digital way of ensuring that your plumbing business gains the audience exposure it needs to grow. 

An advertisement for your plumbing business can be integrated acrosschannels such as:

  • Website
  • Google local services ads
  • Social media
  • Pay-per-click model
  • Emails
  • Video ads
  • Website chat section
  • Customer service

Google ads have been one of the most used techniques to acquire maximum requests for plumbing services. The purpose of such Google ads is to direct the local searches toward your business website. 

A website is the foundation or building block of your digital marketing idea. Without it, your approach will be aimless. When you are imposing Google’s local services ads or are posting advertisements over social media, it should always redirect to your sales website. 

Types of Plumbing Ads to Gain More Leads

Being the owner of a plumbing company, you are well aware of the competition that persists in the industry. By 2020, the total revenue of the US plumbing industry was recorded to be $105.5 billion, which states the industry’s competitiveness. 

Therefore, it is crucial for you to learn about plumbing advertising ideas and make your business compete and rank over others. But, there are two factors that you should consider with respect to planning plumbing advertising campaigns. 

The first factor demands you to review the policies of Google ads, such as the misrepresentation policy. The misrepresentation policy might impact your Google ads campaign.

This policy states that all Google search ads, display ads, and local service ads posted over the search engine should clearly state the intent of promotion with a relevant service or product. If the copy of Google ads is misleading or unclear about what it offers, it might just disable the ad and be reported as a policy violation. 

The second thing that needs your attention is the cost of advertising. As there are loads of options for plumbing services available out there for individuals to choose from, the price of running Facebook or Google ads is not low anymore. 

Now that you have considered these two crucial factors, here are the types of plumbing ads with examples that you should emphasize and implement:

1. Google local services ads for plumbers

Google local service ads appear over the top portion of Google’s search results. Anytime your potential customers search for services or products associated with plumbing, Google will display your ads over the top.

The local services ads are modeled with a pay-per-lead payment rule. Hence, you will only pay for the ad when someone clicks onit. 

There is a fixed price for the plumbing keywords over Google local services ads. On average, the price you would pay is around $10 to $12, but here are some specific keywords and their per-click rates for your knowledge:

  • Plumbing $30/click
  • Plumbing snake- $3/click
  • Plumbing near me- $25/click
  • Plumbing supplies- $2.50/click
  • How to fix a clogged sink- $4.50/click
  • Storm drain- $3/click
  • Best plumbers near me- $18/click

The plumbers are accessible to use Google ads for:

  • Promoting the business during the initial days of starting up. 
  • Attracting more new and local customers to get more job requests. 
  • Get more perks out of a little marketing budget. 


The image below displays a local search of plumbers in Washington, DC. The companies enrolled with local services ads with proper local search engine optimization (SEO) will be displayed as such. 

To be on the top of this display order or list, you must invest your time and effort in local SEO. 

2. Google display ads for plumbers

Google display ads do the job with graphics, videos, and banners. All of them are displayed to the consumers when they browse the web and look for plumbing services and products. 

The display ads permit you to target potential customers who have already visited your plumbing website or have interacted with your brand. Apart from that, you can also focus on engaging potential customers in their interests. 

There are different types of display ads that you can opt for your plumbing business to impose impactful internet marketing services, which include:

  • Responsive ads
  • Remarketing ads
  • Uploaded image ads
  • Gmail ads

The plumbers get to use the display ads by Google for:

  • Increasing traffic to the websites of plumbing companies
  • Increasing the visibility and engagement of the brand over the internet. 


It is a banner ad by Google posted over a different website that your potential customer is viewing. Just like that, when you enroll your business with plumbing advertising campaigns through display ads, you will be able to graphically attract your leads. 

Most people use them as Google remarketing ads to get hold of your past website visitors or people who left your website in the middle of a service inquiry.

3. Google search ads for plumbers

Google search ads are placed over the search engine results page, mostly in the middle of local services ads and organic search results. 

By relying on Google search ads for your plumbing advertising needs, you will be spending on specific keywords that you think your potential leads would use while looking for their respective services.

Some of the common phrases on which you can place your bid are:

  • Plumbing service
  • Plumbers near me
  • Drain cleaning
  • Plumbing repair
  • Emergency plumbing companies

You must select the specific keywords to run for your plumber advertising campaign. When someone searches for these keywords onGoogle, your advertisement will be displayed to them. 

The search ads run with the cost-per-click payment model. Hence, you will pay only when a lead engages with your brand’s ad. 

The potential of search ads by Google can be used by the plumbers for:

  • Targeting the customers who are actively in search of proficient plumbing companies. 
  • Proper utilization of a high marketing budget. 
  • Reach a larger audience over the internet.


The search ads contain a headline, description, call-to-action, and a website URL. The headline will consist of keywords you expect the customers to use while looking for plumbing services

4. Social media ads for plumbers

Social media advertising for plumbing businesses has proven to be productive in the long run. It is an effective tool to run ad campaigns for your plumbing business because more than half of the world’s population, around 58.4%, is using social media today

Therefore, social media channels can help your business grow, get more qualified leads, and will help acquire customer trust. Some of the efforts you can implement to run these campaigns are:

  • Share short DIY videos
  • Run Instagram and Facebook ads. 
  • Share graphic posts with offers and discounts on select services.
  • Share interactive posts over Instagram to boost the engagement of customers to your brand. 

Facebook ads

Facebook is probably the most active social platform of all. But, this platform runs only paid ads! So, get ready to invest in it.  

You can use it for running visually appealing multimedia advertising campaigns such as GIFs, videos, and graphics in your highly-effective plumbing ads. 


This Facebook ad has used a video along with a brief caption on what they can expect from it. Therefore, people who read the caption and develop an interest in the services will go ahead and check the entire content. 

Instagram ads

Instagram is an image-based platform where people interact with businesses or one another. You will need strong image and video ads over the platform that can narrate a promotional story for your business.

You can create ads by posting video testimonials of some of your past customers or just sharing a glimpse of your past projects to show your working techniques. 

5. Search engine optimization ads

Search engine optimization (SEO) might seem like an alternative ad campaign initiative, but there are several reasons to prove why it would work efficiently. 

SEO will ensure more clicks, reduced advertising costs, and more conversions. Most of your target audience will look forward to using organic results over digital ads. 

The local services ads are not paid and need the utilization of local SEO to rank higher in  the order when searched with local keywords such as ‘plumbers near me’. 

By imposing SEO as your prime digital advertising technique, you can reduce the advertising costs you spend sponsoring your service ads across different channels. 

It might be a slower way to promote your services or to get more sales, but it seems profitable in the long run when done right. 

The things that you need to keep in mind while using an organic campaign for promoting your services are:

  • Meta title and description
  • Keyword analysis
  • Quality content
  • Backlinking
  • Use alt tags for images


These are some of the top results when you search for the keyword ‘plumbers Washington DC’ on Google. These websites have mastered SEO and are resting on the top of the results page. But, they won’t remain in the position for a long time as someone might overtake the competition and win their way to the top 3 positions. 

6. Google Guarantee ads

If you are using Google for running plumbing ads, then it is advised to use the Google Guarantee feature on priority. It is only available to businesses when they have completed or passed the screening and qualification requirements of Google local services. 

With this, when your plumbing ad is displayed over the top of the search results page, it will have a ‘Google Guaranteed’ badge. It will instantly build trust among your customers and help your business generate immense leads. 


Here, the green ‘’ mark states that the plumbing ad is Google Guaranteed, which means it can be trusted over others for plumbing services.

plumbing ad is Google

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Follow these tips to efficiently create an advertising strategy:

  • List the business over Google My Business for targeting the local community or audience. 
  • Build a website and promote your brand to the target audience. 
  • Use Google advertisement techniques to market the plumbing services of your business
  • Use email marketing to send offer deals and reminders to potential leads. 
  • Use PPC campaigns to make your brand more visible over search engines’ result pages.
Plumbers need to use SEO techniques to beat the competition in this industry and acquire new customers through online marketing. Implementing SEO will allow you to organically market your services to online customers.
You can post a question or give information about a surprising statistic to gain the attention of your target audience. If not, you can also post a fun image that resembles your service offerings, prefixed with the caption and website URL.

FieldCamp- The Ultimate Scheduling Software to Ease the Business Management

Along with all the advertising efforts, your business needs much more than that to be seamlessly managed. You need to save time on your business management and scheduling efforts for your advertising and marketing approaches. 

Therefore, we bring you FieldCamp, an efficient job scheduling software that can help you organize your business operations in a few clicks. 

Not just that, but it offers you capabilities to track the service progress and employees’ availability in real-time. You can create and send the invoices in seconds after the job is completed. 

There is much more to FieldCamp that you will know only when you take the . For any more assistance or inquiry, talk to our customer support today. 

Author Bio

Gaurang Bhatt

Gaurang Bhatt is a techie in himself with an ability to solve problems technically and present solutions in the form of a product. He is one of the pioneers to curate FieldCamp with his 15+ years of knowledge and expertise in providing solutions to home service industries. Gaurang aims to overcome challenges faced by service business owners through software solutions and blogs.