8 Plumbing Sales Tips to Boost Your Business

Plumbing is considered one of the unique business options that consist of different challenges. 

Did you know that plumbers in the US have witnessed an industry growth of 2.5% over the last five years? And that there are over 120,467 companies offering plumbing services in the United States? This shows the competition that new businesses have to face in this big industry. 

In this sector, your plumbing company will have two types of customers; one who requests emergency plumbing services and the other who looks for installing plumbing fixtures and seeks routine maintenance. 

Every individual will need a plumbing service at some point in time. So a plumbing company needs to be concerned about its sales approaches to get more business opportunities than competitors. 

In order to be ahead of the competition, and to keep up with the profit cycle, it is important to follow some of the crucial plumbing sales tips that are trending in 2022.

Increase Your Business With 8 Plumbing Sales Tips

Your plumbing company can be as good as you want it to be.  Deploying these eight plumbing sales tips will help you overcome any sales barriers and succeed in your business. 

1. Offer optimal customer service

Strong customer service is the powerhouse of a plumbing business. Every time a new customer connects with your brand, your team should be friendly and answer them promptly. It will develop a positive impression of your brand. 

Customers always expect a faster response to their job requests and desire more qualitative work when compared to their previous plumbing service experience. So, you need to train yourself and your team to focus on customer satisfaction throughout their association with you.

After confirmation of a job request, ensure that the service provider from your team, even if it is you, should appear at the site in clean uniforms, with all the necessary, well-organized equipment. It will show them that you are professional and that you take your job seriously.

Apart from that, if you can give real-time updates to the customers about their technician visits, your plumbing sales would increase.

2. Build your highly-optimized plumbing website

A plumbing website will help increase the visibility of your business to the online audience. When you evolve your plumbing business marketing from the traditional to the online arena, you will see how your services will connect to the audience faster. 

It takes around 50 milliseconds or 0.05 seconds for all the users to build an opinion about your website. So, you need to build your plumbing business website to catch your visitors’ attention in this small period. 

And even if you think you have the best plumbing website for directing your plumbing sales, you should still consider updating it over time with new photos, fresh content, and new services. 

You can use popular website builders such as WordPress or Shopify to create your basic website. But, if you want to add an aesthetic appeal to your website, it is better to hire a professional to do the needful.

3. Search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO is one of the most crucial sales tips for you to grow your plumbing business. After you have designed your website, you need to fill it with valuable content that can help your website rank over Google’s result pages. 

You can do that by running keyword research to find the terms or phrases your target audience mostly uses to look for a plumbing service. 

Add those keywords to your website content, and people will be able to find your brand more commonly than others. When they use such keywords to search for plumbing services, Google will crawl through your website to look for those phrases. And when found, it will rank your website over the top results of the first page. 

You can also add backlinks, improve page responsiveness and add pictures and videos to further optimize your website for potential plumbing customers. 

4. Use Google local services ads

You need to direct traffic to your business website to increase plumbing sales with potential customers. Among all the digital marketing measures, Google local services ads stand the best to help with local exposure for your brand. 

Just like Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing, Google ads for your plumbing brand will also appear over the top of the search results. The local searchers will instantly see your plumbing business ads and learn about your services. 

They can click on the ad and proceed further to connect with you for the price quote. Your business tends to thrive with such plumbing marketing ideas. Some of the perks you would get with Google ads are: 

  • The service is guaranteed by Google. 
  • The visibility rate is higher over search engines, especially Google. 
  • The leads you get are affordable. 
  • You pay only for the leads generated and not for the ads. You will pay Google only if the lead is verified and you get an inquiry or service call.

5. Invest in paid lead generation services

Lead generation can be done with organic and inorganic approaches. For instance, it is organic lead generation if you are closing plumbing sales with customer referrals or positive word of mouth. 

But at the same time, using services such as AdWords, pay-per-click, and paid affiliate marketing is inorganic lead generation. 

For most plumbing contractors with a good customer base, organic marketing generates most leads and does wonder in growth. But it is better to invest in paid lead generation services for those just starting fresh. The investment is minimal, while the returns are highly profitable. 

Some of the perks you would get with paid lead generation services over free measures are:

  • You will get more qualified and assured plumbing leads.
  • You will be able to set your budget for generating paid plumbing leads.
  • The focus of such services will be more on customers and jobs rather than just sales.

6. Price correctly 

Growth for your business is proven with the right marketing. But the elements you choose to market should be precisely picked. Accurate pricing is one such element that can either make or break your marketing strategies. 

Among all the plumbing sales tips, this is something that needs more than just strategy. It needs industry analysis and the market rates for plumbers and plumbing jobs. 

As a business owner, you need to determine different factors to price your services, which include:

  • Hourly or monthly rate for your service professional working in your company. 
  • Cost of insurance, taxes, and other overheads. 
  • Fix the profit margin after specifying the salaries of your employees.

The salary or hourly rate you pay to the employees should be competitive to make sure you can make experienced professionals join your team. But at the same time, you should not add a high overhead cost to the customer’s price quote. 

Your profit percentage should not be compromised, and the service cost for customers should not be high as well. Hence, you need to give a lot of time and consideration to price your services. 

You should have a price chart ready for all the additional services that you upsell to the customers. When your client agrees to an additional service, you can instantly tell them the price for it without going through the entire cost analysis process.

7. Leverage the power of social media marketing

Social media is the new arena for businesses to market their products and services. All the social media platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram can be used to reach out to the target market. 

You can post offers, discounts, promotions, graphic posts, and service videos to build brand awareness for your company. The customers can connect with you directly over social media platforms for service inquiries or requests. 

Keep your window open over social media channels to take customer feedback and complaints. Be responsive to the direct messages and comments over the platforms to develop the trust and credibility of your customers to the brand.

You will need to give a lot of time to social media marketing to build an audience over the platforms. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook allow paid promotions of business ads. Such paid ads will get more visibility and will work towards increasing plumbing sales.

8. Integrate a job scheduling software

The last and most important step for you to improvise your company’s sales process is by integrating the business with the best plumbing software

The plumbing software you choose must have key features such as job scheduling, dispatching, invoicing, payment processing, and sales reporting. 

With efficient plumbing software, you can assign jobs to your employees in a few seconds. You can do it right from the mobile software without sitting next to a computer all the time. 

Apart from that, you can also send price quotes to new customers through the application itself. All you must consider doing is a price estimate and send it to the customers through their contact information. 

All of the job details your new customers share with you can also be updated for the plumbing professionals. It will help your team understand the expectations of your clients and deliver the service accordingly. 

A Plumbing Business Software That Helps You

Save up to 95% of your time Automate 90% of your daily operations Generate and track reports in a few clicks

No credit card details required


The plumbing businesses can increase their sales by following a few of the important key rules:

  • Create the first impression among your target audience by crafting a perfect website.
  • Understand how the selling process works and make changes to it in terms of marketing and pricing.
  • If you can offer some other services, then it will help you with more earning opportunities through upselling techniques.
  • Emphasize promoting your home service offerings as you can market and get more business opportunities from the residential sector.

For all the service calls you get, your price estimation should have at least 35% of the profit margin, which is reasonable for your business to thrive.
If you are dealing with a commercial plumbing problem that requires more equipment, manpower, and resources, then you can increase the profit margin to meet your service worth.

The plumbers in 2021 had a median pay of around $59,880 per year, and the hourly rate was around $28.79 per hour. As the plumbers are earning a good salary for offering respective services, the business owners are just picking the best service professionals in their team to earn a good profit from this demanding industry.

The best-paying cities for plumbers in the United States are:

  • San Francisco, California has an annual average payout of $106,100.
  • Fairbanks, Alaska, has an annual average payout of $94,280.
  • Chicago, Illinois, has an annual average payout of $91,940.
  • Kankakee, Illinois, has an annual average payout of $93,420.
  • Pittsfield, Massachusetts, has an annual average payout of $90,980.
With further surveys, the best paying states for plumbers and plumbing businesses in terms of earnings are Alaska, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey and Illinois.

FieldCamp – The Perfect Job Scheduler to Contribute to your Plumbing Business Growth

A plumbing business depends a lot on first impressions with its customers. Therefore, you must first invest time to create first impressions through your actions to get customers. And then, you can try proving your quality through work. 

FieldCamp is a powerful and feature-packed job scheduling software that sends a notification alert every time a new job inquiry arrives through online sales channels. Based on the customer’s request, you can respond immediately by assigning an emergency plumber or sending a price quote. 

It will help your business earn a good name in front of the customer, and you will be saving a lot of time that usually gets wasted due to manual business tasks. 

FieldCamp is also proficient in scheduling jobs one click, tracking plumbers, creating invoices, processing payments, and much more. Take a over our website and get a glimpse at what this software has to offer.

Author Bio

Gaurang Bhatt

Gaurang Bhatt is a techie in himself with an ability to solve problems technically and present solutions in the form of a product. He is one of the pioneers to curate FieldCamp with his 15+ years of knowledge and expertise in providing solutions to home service industries. Gaurang aims to overcome challenges faced by service business owners through software solutions and blogs.


